Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Back On The Bike

Today I intend to finish setting up my new laptop so I'll have a new base of operations.

Over the weekend I managed to complete the next assignment for Module 1 and have read the requirements for the next assignment for Module 2. Hows this for unrealistic:

In a week, I need to write a synopsis for Newland, a chapter breakdown and how I intend to handle a number of plot factors such as conflict, characterisation and other things. All within 500 words! I then have to do a summary on any sub-plots and themes - in another 500 words. Joy.

I have managed to read another 5 chapters in RealmShift so my reading is moving forward as well.

I've had a please revise and resubmit for possible acceptance for Dark Rose, so I'll be working on that this week as well, and lastly, I've had feedback on Dreaming. I need to tweak a couple of things on that and get that finished as well.

So, time to get cracking on my laptop so I can get stuck into everything else.

Here's hoping writing life is heading in the direction you want it to as well.



  1. I'm working on a piece for Hideous Evermore, and so far the hardest part is thinking up a title : )
    Also there is sex.

  2. Ah, a new laptop serves as a good motivator for me. You end up working on things as an excuse to play with your new toy.

    Good luck with it all.

  3. Good luck with the re-write. They always tend to make me a little nervous because I am never sure what kind of editor I am dealing with (see Aaron's blog today). 500 word synopsis, now that sounds like a challenge. I will send all the flash vibes I can muster.

  4. Which laptop did you get? I love getting new laptops, mine sadly has a few keys missing. Good luck with the synopsis too, 500 words is very tight.

  5. D - I'll do a post on the laptop and all the specs as soon as I can.

    As for the synopsis - I've led you all astray. I don't have to do the synopsis in 500 words - I'm supposed to do the synopsis, a chapter breakdown, and discuss plot factors in 500 words!

    It's not possible I say.

    I'm going to reread the assignment tonight to double check - I hope I'm wrong on that bit.
