That's Australian for "Hell of a weekend" - I am totally knacked and in desperate need of shut eye (Aussie for "very tired and need sleep").
When did I last blog and what did I blog about? Talk amongst yourselves while I quickly refresh my memory...Ah yes. The diplomas still haven't gone out. We got up way too early to be thinking coherently this morning and rushed out without them. I'll have them in the mail tomorrow.
Today my better half and my youngest child accompanied me on a research trip. 235km round trip to a little seaside town called Victor Harbor. I'll do a writeup of the trip tomorrow. We walked all over the local island called Granite Island which is a fair walk--especially when we contended with a strong south-south-westerly blowing in off the Great Southern Ocean. It was cold, windy and great fun. I took a heap of photos (some I'll post tomorrow) and we spent some quality time touring through the local museum (where I found copies of the first issue of SA50s+ - unbelievable buzz to see my article on the back page, out in public, for all the world to see).
We then spent some considerable time in the local library which has a good reference section on local history. I confirmed a lot of what I'd already read and interestingly found discrepancies between some of the "facts" I'd read about in other sources. Even history can be vague it seems so me adding some fiction into a real setting but using fictitious characters shouldn't be too hard. Unfortunately we didn't get to all the sites I wanted to and we didn't find answers to all my questions. Some I'm guessing will have to be improvised by me but some will just take additional digging.
The main major questions I had were answered though so the writing can continue and I found out some important facts that need to be added to the first chapter to keep the authenticity.
Tomorrow my plan is to eat breakfast, feed the dog, shower and dress--too much information?? I will then proceed to the post office and send off the assignments. On returning I will finish the market work I've been doing by finding the last four markets required and filling in any missing bits of information. Then I shall blog about today's research trip in more detail and with photos.
Then lunch.
Then writing while the washing is on.
Hopefully it will be a very industrious day.
At some stage the mail will arrive and with it, hopefully some of market books I've ordered and my copy of Black magazine. My sister works in a newsagent so I already have one copy so I've done a quick skim through and the mag is brilliant. I strongly suggest you go out and buy it if you live in Australia or subscribe and have it sent to you if you live anywhere else.
Also hopefully tomorrow, my inbox will fill with offers to buy my work. Have to keep thinking positively.
That's it for me for now. I'm exhausted and need to get some rest.
Good luck with everything you do.
Newsletter 31st January 2025
3 weeks ago
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