I should have stayed in bed catching little electric Pokemon instead of opening my email today.
Spoilt Rotten has gathered its second rejection. Need to find another target market.
AHWA competition results have been released and neither of my entries did any good. Now I need to find new targets for Digging Up The Past and God's Piscatorial Church.
I got my piece for The New Bedlam Project back from Pharo and it needs work, although The Great One does believe the story can work which is encouraging. I just need to fix a couple of things.
I need to finish revising Arcanum and send it out.
I need to send pieces off to Necrotic Tissue. Does 1 short and 1 100 worder count as multiple subs for this market? Nat? Cate? Anyone?
And lastly, I've had another story idea, but this time while I was wide awake - actually while I was out shopping with the better half. Not sure about the length of this thing yet, but the themes buzzing around my head are screaming for a proper manuscript. More thinking to be done and then some outlining, or maybe the other way round - quite excited over this one - again! What happened to concentrating on shorts for a while?
And lastly, I need to get a $@#$ load of reading done - 6 novel-length books in 5 weeks! Where the hell am I going to find the time to read my lovely copy of Necrotic Tissue which finally arrived in my letterbox. Oh, and thanks goes out to Jodi Lee. My copy of her and her daughter's chapbook arrived safe and sound. It's beautifully presented (handmade even) and full of interesting facts and fun activities. Head on over to her site and have a look. Very cool.
Being crook has placed me firmly behind the eight ball - time to get back in the saddle and get some work done.
RECALL is out now!
4 weeks ago
I should have stayed in bed catching little electric Pokemon instead of opening my email today.
ReplyDeleteI hope you have a DS - or have you been hallucinating?
Glad to see you back.
I miss the old school games like loderunner myself. Good luck getting those books read. I know how you feel there. NT already rejected my 100 worder. Apparently it wasn't horrific enough. Hope yours does better.
ReplyDeleteI have a DS..actually my little girl does. She is very much into Pokemon but needs a little help occasionally moving forward in the game, so I catch some little critters and battle a few gym leaders. Before I know it, hours have been lost.
ReplyDeleteI haven't sent the 100 worder at this point. I sent a flash story instead. God's Piscatorial Church - slightly revised and slightly longer than the original 1000 words I sent to the AHWA contests.
Fingers crossed.
I like that story. The imagery is still with me today.
ReplyDelete"I should have stayed in bed catching little electric Pokemon."
ReplyDeleteIt is only a matter of time before something makes that a euphemism for something dirty.
You're very welcome! I'm glad you like it. :)
ReplyDeleteThe girls have been working away on their parts for the next one. This time, I'm actually going to show Rhia how to work through edits and a re-write. :) hehehe